Thanks for posting this Phizzy and good on you Lennyinbluemont.
Fink, I reckon that the key to all cultic behaviour is to elevate the leadership presented through a powerful propaganda machine. The claim made by cults is that the governance, though human is under divine enlightenment and if you play your cards right; you too will get a piece of the action.
A set of doctrines are built around this idea and every propaganda utterance reinforces the leader’s vision which are given to the grateful followers. Just analysing a paragraph or perhaps even a sentence in the Watchtower magazine exemplifies this. Objectivity is thrown out of the window and the reader settles down to absorb gobbledegook. A special language develops with words having new and specific meanings for the insiders only, which strengthens the identity of the cult. It makes for an esoteric “truth” which only the initiates or baptised can know. An identity which the hapless follower cherishes since it gives them an exclusive identity too, it helps them to see who they are; a slave of their heavenly lord...though in practice this work is for the aggrandisement of the leadership.. To work like this in the company of like minded colleagues encourages a sense of purpose because if others are doing it, then it must be ok mustn’t it?
What a trap for the poorly informed? What a disaster for those investing their hopes in doomsday cults like the Watchtower org?